30 Minute HIIT New Saturday Morning Class!
9.30-10.00am at St Johns Church, Eden Park, Beckenham.
6 week course starts on Saturday 26th February 2022
£36.00 Per Person Per Course
A 30 minute HIIT workout with weights (you’ll need to bring your own handweights) concentrating on moving the body as a whole. Using exercises that take us through multi directional planes of motion and prepare us for functional work in standing. We’ll be utilizing the muscles fully and working 3 dimensionally, making the most of our core muscles!
We’ll usually take 5 or 6 excerises and do around 4 sets of each, progressing them as we go. Expect to get hot and sweaty and leave the class feeling rejuvinated and enegised, but not exhausted!
This class is pelvic floor safe! (it’s low impact) and suitable for those who want to begin a cardio/weightbearing workout. Perfect for peri and menopausal ladies who need to add a strength workout to their weekly exercise.

I absolutely love Teresa’s classes, I’ve attended all of the classes that she teaches and can honestly say that they are the best around! She’s professional and fun and really knows her stuff
I really enjoy the classes run by Teresa she’s very knowledgeable about your anatomy and how certain movements help your body