pilates : reformer : mobility

Lovingly inspiring you to move more without judgement.

Super friendly community Pilates and Movement classes with a relaxed atmosphere

Ensuring you get the best out of every session

Look and feel your best!

Reformer Pilates Studio

Pilates Matwork and Mobility Classes

1-2-1 Sessions


What our clients say...

I’ve been attending Teresa’s classes for just over a year now.

I initially joined her Trigger Point Pilates course to aid my recovery after back surgery. Getting back strength, flexibility and avoiding a recurrence of another slipped disc were my aim initially.
But Trigger Point has honestly done wonders for my long term recovery and allowed me to progress to higher impact exercise, something I never thought I’d be able to do again even though I was only in my late 30s.

I now regularly do Teresa’s HIIT and Piloxing classes and love them! Her holistic approach, vast knowledge and positive enthusiasm is infectious and keeps me coming back each week, and loving it.

Thank you Teresa! X


I have been doing Pilates with Teresa for many years.

She always individualises the work out to tailor to everyone’s unique weakness/ problem areas. She is patient, enthusiastic and passionate about her craft.

She is well informed and up to date with the latest thinking on health and fitness. A real credit and gem for the burgeoning industry.

Lai See

Teresa is brilliant!
Super knowledgeable, always smiling and with a very sunny and positive personality. One of those people who makes you want to go to a class even if outside is -2°, snowy and dark and all you’d like to do is curl up on the sofa.
Her classes are open to everyone and suitable to any age and ability, but most importantly, are very good fun!
I started with Trigger Point Pilates once a week because my shoulders were extremely knotty and after just 1 hour on the foam roller, mat and spiky balls, I was already feeling much much better. My physio is also amazed by the improvements and she can too really see and feel the difference.
Her HIIT and Piloxing classes are both tough but very good fun (prepare to laugh and sweat A LOT!) but if you can’t join a class, you can always use one of the videos she posts regularly on her home workouts page.
Finally, her Skinny Jeans Online Workout programme is very effective – it’s not a diet plan, it’s a 4-week programme to try and change your lifestyle and break bad habits and Teresa will be with you, supporting and motivating you with her kind smile all along.

I have been coming to Teresa’s classes for over 4 years & am still enjoying them!

Teresa caters for all types of exercise & having had the opportunity to try all of her different classes, I have been able to find the ones I enjoy & suit me best.

Teresa also offers a variety of online programmes with a focus on nutrition. Her Facebook community helps keep you on track when you need it and she is supportive & knowledgable.
The classes themselves have a fun and friendly vibe but also allow you to come, get the job done & feel fabulous when you leave knowing your exercise is done!
Teresa has a varied program but is also flexible, listening to her clients as to what classes & exercise they like best and to prevent boredom setting in!
She also offers interactive homework outs which are great if you can’t make it to the class. You can even get the kids involved!
I would thoroughly recommend looking at the classes Teresa offers and given one or two a try. You won’t regret it!

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